Submitted by Name: Bill Gillespie From: Alberta/BC E-mail:
Comments: Viewing the picture of the Schiller bros. skating in their backyard rink brought memories of the identical "Mary Maxim" wool sweaters that our Mom knitted for us when we lived on Sapper Ave.
She also knitted the one with the pheasant on the back-which was very "in" circa early 1960's! I remember that they were very warm, comfortable and that we (my Dad included) wore them to hockey, curling and the rec hall.
When the knitted items such as socks became worn-she would unravel them and use the wool again for another item-she was "eco-friendly" ahead of her time!
Comments: Have a great holiday and a happy and prosperous New Year! With every Christmas turkey dinner, I remember two events: First, we lived at 20 Ubique in 1951 and I was six years old. My father stored our frozen turkey on the canopy overhanging the front steps. To retrieve the turkey my father hung me by the ankles upside down out the bedroom window. I still remember the fear of falling!The next year my Dad was in Korea and we lived in Nanaimo. Mom asked me to pick up the Christmas turkey from the Red & White Store. The turkey weighed 26 pounds and I was not tall enough to keep the head of the turkey from dragging on the ground all the way home.
Added: December 28, 2013
Submitted by Name: Bill Brown From: Kingston
Comments: managed to drop by Shilo this summer on a MC trip through, had coffee with Dave Drover and Twyla Lee, I still love reading this site and seeing the great folks still around. Everyone have a peaceful Christmas..
Comments: Well it is that time of the year where each day gets busy and time fly's. On that note you have a great Christmas and most important be safe. Cheers
Comments: I lived off base at 3 Sprucewoods Mobile Home Park from 1982-1984. My father was serving in the 731 Signal Squadron. The best days of my childhood were spent in Shilo. I went to Greenwood - I have vivid memories of Mr. Crandall. Does anyone remember the Legend of Bluespruce?
Added: December 11, 2013
Submitted by Name: Gary & Shirley (Burkin) Paine From: Kitchener, Ontario E-mail:
Comments: Wishing all ShiloBrats a Merry Christmas and Peace and Prosperity in the New Year. We all share a wonderful common bond that has lasted decades. We think of you and our time in Shilo, often
Added: December 10, 2013
Submitted by Name: rod dafoe From: belleville E-mail:
Comments: felice navidad ....merry Christmas to all the shilobrats worldwide and the very best in this holiday season
Name: Bill Gillespie
From: Alberta/BC
Viewing the picture of the Schiller bros. skating in their backyard rink brought memories of the identical "Mary Maxim" wool sweaters that our Mom knitted for us when we lived on Sapper Ave.
She also knitted the one with the pheasant on the back-which was very "in" circa early 1960's! I remember that they were very warm, comfortable and that we (my Dad included) wore them to hockey, curling and the rec hall.
When the knitted items such as socks became worn-she would unravel them and use the wool again for another item-she was "eco-friendly" ahead of her time!