Submitted by Name: Faye Helgason (Linseman) From: Ottawa E-mail:
Comments: How would you like to join us on a Dinner Cruise on the St. Laurence River along the 1000 Islands?? Boarding in Kingston, a few of us Shilobrats are able to reserve a cruise on Saturday, August 12th for basically any number of people who can come out. There will be entertainment on board (if just being with fellow shilobrats is not enough!!), and we will have a trolley to take us to the shore and back to the hotel, which we also plan to reserve. The cruise dinners are delightful, and one can meander inside and outside the cruise liner. The cost will be approximately $80 give or take 10 bucks, for both the dinner cruise and the trolley transportation both ways. The hotel has a lounge, swimming pool, etc, and we can provide the approximate cost soon. We can help find roomies if you like, to keep costs down. Also, let us know if you plan on coming to breakfast the next morning (Sunday, August 13), so we can let the hotel know of numbers. If you are interested , please let us know so we can work out numbers. By July 15th we would hope to have commitments from everyone. Organizers are: Faith Power Dirienzo (, Bill Brown ( and Faye Helgason Linseman (
Added: June 20, 2017
Submitted by Name: Gary Paine From: Kitchener, ON E-mail:
Comments: Happy Fathers Day to all Brat Fathers!!!
Added: June 18, 2017
Submitted by Name: Judy Rioux (nee Hummel) From: Victoria, BC E-mail:
Comments: Haven't been on Guestbook since I can't remember when, so very sorry to have missed the Miss Sheehan reunion. She, Mrs. McKay, Mr. McKnight, and Mr. Balitsky were my most favourite teachers, and made my understanding of the courses they taught so much easier, and understandable. I remember taking algebra and geometry in Grade XII, only to fail the course in '67, returning in '68, and having Miss Sheehan as my teacher that year. It was like a light bulb went on at the beginning of the course and I breezed through Math.
On that note, I realized the other day that this is the 50th anniversary of my "true" high school graduation, so, to all who graduated in 1967, Happy 50th! And to those who left us much too soon, you will always have a special place in my heart.
Added: June 13, 2017
Submitted by Name: Carol Ann (Delmage) Emond From: Ottawa, ON
Comments: It is with great sadness to find my grade 9 teacher Mr. Russ Roney's obituary in the Brandon Sun just now. He passed June 1st and funeral was yesterday. My deepest sympathies to his family. He was a kind man.
Added: June 8, 2017
Submitted by Name: Barbara Willerton Altseimer From: Parksville, Vancouver Island E-mail:
Comments: I really enjoyed seeing all the pictures, and all the people at the lunch with Miss Sheehan. I still consider Shilo my home town, all all the people I know from there are my friends. You all look wonderful
Comments: For those of us from the 60's, the Lunch with Mary T Sheehan Student/Teacher Reunion was like the latest sequel of 'Back to the Future.' Who could imagine that over 50 years after leaving school you would be able to sit and talk with teachers you had from Grade 6 through high school, as well as your classmates from that time...and they all still drive and live independently.
Photos and stories have been gathered and will be assembled into two Special Editions by our Graphics lady Edie Walker Mullen. The first one Lunch with Mary T Sheehan Student/Teacher Reunion is now posted in Special Edition. See What's New for more information. Click on the link in What's New to take you there, maybe stay awhile and read the others.
Submitted by Name: Faye Linseman From: Ottawa E-mail:
Comments: Thanks for mentionning in your writeup, the Ottawa last minute lunch to videochat with you brats in Winnipeg. Good to get 9 out on short notice. I should have sent more PEHS pieces; I'm sure you didn't have quite enough!
Added: May 5, 2017
Submitted by Name: Ken Jenkins From: Courtenay, Vancouver Island E-mail:
Comments: Mary T Sheehan Student Teacher Reunion
When was the last time most of these people were in the same place at the same time? It was 1965, and I have the yearbook to prove it...and Miss Sheehan is exactly the same as when you knew her, maybe a few wrinkles but nothing else has changed. Karen Middleton and Denise Pike arranged the first gathering on short notice in 2015 that had 5 attend. This time they set an ambitious target at 25, and a whopping 37 showed up for the buffet luncheon, to catch up with each other, Miss Sheehan, and 6 teachers from that time who were able to come. Karen Middleton, Sharon Middleton, Denise Pike, Boyd & Patricia van Aggelen, Doug Jordan, Ken Jenkins, Rick LeClair, Ian Malcolm, Pat Dolan, Alexia Forke Dolan, Lois Dolan, Sheila Clarke, Rick Daly, Wayne Helgason, Valerie Weisgerber, Diana Weisgerber, Betty-Ann McMullen, Bill Phillips, Gwenn McCormick, Lisa, Leslie & Vicki Henderson, Shannon McGunigal, Kay Schrot, Art Schrot, George Rodgers, Wayne Emond and teachers, Mary T Sheehan, Gerald Brown, Walter & Sylvia Bohonos Mr. Bob Hilton, Grant & Vona Edgar, Marvin & Anne-Marie Gordon.
At the same time in Ottawa another Shilobrat lunch reunion was held to co-ordinate with ours with a video conference organized by Faye Helgason in Ottawa and Wayne Helgason in Winnipeg. Wayne went from table to table with his video tablet joining the two mini-reunions. At the Ottawa reunion was Bob Meek, Rick Carlson, Lorraine Pollard, Susan Parsons, Cameron Emond, Faye Helgason, Carol Ann Delmage, Debbie Delmage and Faith Power.
Many of us haven't seen each other in over 50 years, it was a full house and the second largest Shilo mini-reunion to date. The only thing unfortunate, there is so much to catch up on, when it is over, you realize how many you didn't get to talk let's think about next year.
Photos are now in the Gallery, more have been added and more to come...keep checking!
Added: May 4, 2017
Submitted by Name: Dennis Good From: Ottawa E-mail:
Comments: It's been a few years since I visited the site. I lived at 2 Stonehenge 1959-62. It was great to see Miss Sheehan's photo; first time I've seen her since '62. Nice to see lots of familiar names from 55 years ago! Cheers to anyone who remembers me.
Name: Faye Helgason (Linseman)
From: Ottawa
How would you like to join us on a Dinner Cruise on the St. Laurence River along the 1000 Islands?? Boarding in Kingston, a few of us Shilobrats are able to reserve a cruise on Saturday, August 12th for basically any number of people who can come out. There will be entertainment on board (if just being with fellow shilobrats is not enough!!), and we will have a trolley to take us to the shore and back to the hotel, which we also plan to reserve. The cruise dinners are delightful, and one can meander inside and outside the cruise liner. The cost will be approximately $80 give or take 10 bucks, for both the dinner cruise and the trolley transportation both ways. The hotel has a lounge, swimming pool, etc, and we can provide the approximate cost soon. We can help find roomies if you like, to keep costs down. Also, let us know if you plan on coming to breakfast the next morning (Sunday, August 13), so we can let the hotel know of numbers.
If you are interested , please let us know so we can work out numbers. By July 15th we would hope to have commitments from everyone. Organizers are: Faith Power Dirienzo (, Bill Brown ( and Faye Helgason Linseman (