Reunion  2002
the  bbq (Posted previously by Otter)
This little piggie went to tummies .... 
and we're glad!
Two of the most lovable people I know. Joanne (Chevrier) and Bryon Ross.
Jim Dalgleish. For some strange reason he was known as Alan in Shilo. A lot of us seem to have changed names for one reason or another.
Jim...surrounded by beauties as always.
Otterkins in repose and in a 
contemplative mood.
Pat Dolan. One of my best buds in Shilo.
Bob Dane
Ches Sheppard. 
A ready smile for everyone.
Ken Wells. Next reunion organizer?
John Clemmens
Al Stickley and Zoe Fowler. They're both as
 crazy as bedbugs and Otter loves 'em!

Bill Blake and Alf Hackenschmidt.
Randy McGunigal and Keith Hummel. What a pair....honestly.
Jim Davis & Laura (Lauri) Marsden
Glen McLean and Otterkins 
outside the RCA Museum.
Kay Schrot. Like fine wine some people become more beautiful and radiant with age. Kay is one of them.
The Clan
Don't ask.....but aren't they having fun? Keith Hummel and Al Stickley
Breakfast at Krang's
 Zoe, Sheila and Vivian.
Mike and Anne....our remarkable host and hostess with the mostest. If you weren't there you wuz nowhere!
The ladies were all treated to quite a show here. After this, it was simply pointless for us mere mortal guys to try and attract the ladies.
We all felt so insignificant afterwards we didn't even bother trying. Mike's personality matches his size. A truly remarkable man.
Joanne Ross, Lynn Davis & Al Stickley. 
Al is desperately trying to stem the tide of ladies....
Bill Blake and Judy Rioux (Hummel). It's amazing how things stay the same after all the years. Judy is still beautiful and vivacious. Bill? Well he changed a wee bit...
Bryon Ross, Joanne Ross (Cheverie), Mike and John Pineau. Never trust these people. They are Pranksters with a capital "P"!
Cut from the same bolt of cloth and two 
really great guys....Mike and John Pineau.
Mike and Mel Rioux early Sunday morning. It's been a loooooooong day!

Delightful Zoe with companions Keith Hummel and  wife Gloria. I understand Gloria is eager to do a motorbike tour of Canada sometime in November.
Janet Pyke & Joanne Cheverie snuggling Otter. I was warm for weeks afterwards.
Jim Davis & PIPE

“The day starts with breakfast at the Mens' Mess whose fare was actually quite good. No one else was there and of course we soon found ourselves back at Chateau Pineau. From there we wander over to the RCA Museum which has grown to an impressive size and then on a more extended tour of the camp. So much has changed. Finally to the BBQ which is quite a feast with roast pig and all kinds of other goodies. Oddly enough, the picnic site is the field in which the pig farm used to stand on. Although a wonderful day it is bittersweet. We know things are comming to an end. Some quietly slip away. For others there are a lot of tearful farewells. How long before we see each other again?”            ~ Otterkins (2002)