reunion 2002
“In 2002, Jim and I were sitting around the Fire Hall and Jim told me that he had been getting some calls and talking to local people who were asking if there was going to be another reunion.  We had both decided after the last one, that there would be no more, but we got to talking at work and said “Ok! this is it”.  There were just the two of us, and we did have a great deal of help from Mike Pineau and Blake Mooney getting the logistics of the thing set up.  Again the meet and greet was at Sprucewoods Hall, the dinner and dance was at L-25 and this time the pork BarBQ was at Murdock Mackenzie's yard.  (continued on next page)
the  60s  crowd
Tribute to Jim Gradwell
Some of the 60’s gang !
Moose Hoyland
A bunch of the gals !
Janice Woods & husband with
Wendy Parsons & Pat Wolchuk
Faye Helgason
Otter (Dave Mulligan) & Glen McLean
Janet Hughes, Ron Flamand
& Pat (Weisgerber) Wolchuk
Judy (Hummel) Rioux 
& Judy (Mooney) Price
Alf Hackenschmidt, Faye 
Helgason & Bob Findlay
Joan (Houston) Wood 
& Vivian (Sheppard) Cyr
Mel & Judy Rioux with Murray
Ron Flamand & Faye Helgason
Shannon McGunnigal, Faye, Gwen
McCormick, Ches Sheppard & Robin Agardy
Alan Stickley & Lynn Davis
Murray Booth & Wayne Helgason
Zoe Fowler & Janet Hughes
Judy (Hummel) Rioux & Faye
Lynn Davis, Zoe Fowler, Janet Hughes,
Pat Weisgerber & Val McEdwards
Bill and Maureen Blake with
Larry Connors
Al and Judy (Mooney) Price
Mike, John & Tammy Pineau
& Mel Rioux
Brian Woods, Bev Whitechurch
& Faye
Betty Ann (Roach) & Gary Emery
and Theresa Poirier
Val McEdwards,  Nancy Johnson 
& Janice Woods
Valerie Weisgerber, Paddy Parsons,
Pat Weisgerber & ??
Karen & Ches Sheppard
Larry Connors