ShiloBrats Guestbook

It was also the epoch of incredulity, Sheilagh.

Added: June 28, 2006
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It was the best of times; it was the worst of times; it was the age of foolishness…

Added: June 27, 2006
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Hello everyone
Shirley and I and my brother Ray, (and his wife Patti) just returned from a great weekend in Kingston, ON. It was arranged by Brat Bill Brown and his wife, Juanita. They did a great deal of work setting things up for us and it was a wonderful mini-reunion. Thanks, Bill & Juanita. Keep on keeping on and let us all know about any up-coming reunions. We'ed love to return to Shilo again. Also thanks to Otterkins.
Gary & Shirley Paine

Added: June 25, 2006
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I just had 24 great Shilo Brats to visit me in Kingston. I arranged for a 3 hour Thousand Island Boat ride. We had a great lunch on the boat,then we went back to the hotel they were all staying at. We mingle around chatting for a couple of hours and then had dinner at the hotel.
The next morning most of us got together for breakfast.
From the comments I heard from everyone they had a good time, I know I did. It is always nice to see Shilo Brats
When are you western and eastern brats going have a get together?

Added: June 25, 2006
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so ... please say again "all past how do you sign on to the forum ? especially if u don't recall (age u know )your id etc.. thanx offely

Added: June 23, 2006
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Hi, I'm 45 and I lived on the base until I was 9 years old. My family moved just as my 3rd grade ended. I have many fond childhood memories of Camp Shilo and Waggle Springs. No one here believes me when I say there was a place there with sand dunes called the Carbery Dessert!(forget the spelling but I rember the sand!)I love your site. Keep up the memories!

Added: June 14, 2006
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Ken - Zoe - Bill ..........Sure does bring back memories doesn't it! Oh, by the way Bill, believe it or not, (not saying I'm a pack rat) but I still have all of my 45 records. Plus I still have my dolls and a teddy bear that I got from my parents in Hemer, Germany when I was 7 yrs plus I also saved all the books my parents ever bought me (which I saved for my only daughter to read and now they are in her hands for my 3 grandchildren). Guess I am a pack rat, but it's nice that I saved this stuff to pass down! Take care everyone!

Added: June 6, 2006
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hj everyone.let me know about reunionfor 07

thank you
bob mckinnon

Added: June 3, 2006
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Kathie, Ken & Zoe: Now I remember that I got $1.00 weekly allowance on Fridays which was plenty. Get on the bus to Brandon on Sat. morning--go to that record shop that was on Rosser...can't remember the name..anyway, buy the latest 45 record..catch the bus back to Camp...go to strange Hall--shoot a couple of games of pool or go bowling...go back after supper to the movie for 25 cents..maybe go for a swim too. We were rich!!

Added: June 3, 2006
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Hi Kathy,
I've seen this many times. One day I sent it to my 28 yr old son.. thought he would get it.. he didn't! Came back with.. what's this? I don't get it.
So... if my kids don't understand and believe it, my grandkids sure won't.
It is truly amazing how fast the world is turning since we lived that life.
Does anyone remember Elmer the elephant?

Added: June 3, 2006
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