ShiloBrats Guestbook

First and foremost a major bouquet for Otter. In spite of all, you are putting all the Shilobrats first-no small feat on your part. How can you thank someone for doing what you have done???? Also cudos to Doc for his a**tance on this hard and long road to a wonderful, garbage free place for us to meet. Big time--Merci!!!!
Hi Ron Hughes, Ken Jenkins, Bill Gillespie etc. Kathie Cole, I know where Jennifer Masters is. E me. Look after yourselves Brats- you're precious!

Added: April 17, 2006
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What a sight! Every year at this time the SNOWBIRDS move to the Comox air base and practice all their show routines twice a day for two weeks over Courtenay and Comox to prepare for the upcoming air show season. *Pie in the Sky*

Added: April 14, 2006
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Re posting of April 11th - forgot to put in my email address...........

Added: April 11, 2006
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Brats: The long wait is over and we've finally got the guestbook up and running on the new server.

We leave the site in Otter's capable hands, with our assurance to you that he and this site are backed by a team of professionals dedicated to preserving the integrity of the Shilobrats home.

Doc & the InternetOvations Team

Added: April 11, 2006
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Hi There: Does anyone remember Bruce Bowman (red haired), Brian Scott (brush cut- known as Scottie,) or (girls - are birth names)Peggy Moulaison, Debbie Leskiw, Jane Slater, Phyllis Berquist, Jennifer Masters from around
1963? I was looking thru my old photo album book today and just wondered if they are out there. Thanx!

Added: April 11, 2006
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Does anyone know where Clancy R. is these days?

Added: April 11, 2006
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I agree with Joe. Leave us a message Lenore. Just came home after seeing Greg Leskiw (Swingsoniq)in concert. Great show.

Added: April 11, 2006
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Hey Chris ... of Course we still want to hear the Sons Of Eve.... not sure if you remember me but I used to hear you guys jam in your basement...hangin out with Craig/Dave/Jigger/Kevin... Karen Hall's little sister??? I can't wait till next summer ... will be there to see you guys. I hope I can talk Ray (My older brother) into coming too. Drop me a note if ya get the chance... Party onnnnnnn!

Added: April 11, 2006
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Hoping that Lenore Morrow checks in again.

Added: April 11, 2006
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Ken and Theresa: somewhere near 28 Esquimalt eh?? and you guys were ten years old?...well in that case, do you by chance remember Jan Seigrist (now56/57) and her brother Ray (now 55/56). They lived within a few houses of that address, but left around 1960. Jan manages a Bed and Bath Boutique in Toronto, and Ray manages a Bed & Breakfast in the Muskokas (I think).

Added: April 11, 2006
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