ShiloBrats Guestbook

Just looking at reunion stuff and wanted to say high to
Mr Anderson grade 8A class from 1974 and Mrs Hatch grade 9A
Class from 1975. Hope time has treated you all well

Added: January 24, 2022
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The Panthers in Mexico Ad
Reunions are a lot of fun, especially when you are with people you already know! ShiloBrats is issuing the Re-Reunion 2022 Challenge. If you have already re-united with your classmates and friends, get together again, with a reunion at a Reunion.
These ladies graduated PEHS from 1975 to 1977, got together for a reunion in Mexico in 2014. How many of them will Re-Reunion at Shilobrats Reunion 2022.
Keeping with our Way We Were music theme, check out the Fun Facts and Song Hits of 1976 in the newly updated Reunion 2022 web site. What song title best describes this group of older and wiser Cougars. How about “Goin' Down to Mexico” – ZZ Top (ooh, that's lame) Give it your best shot! What do you remember about these gals.

Added: January 23, 2022
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That being said Ken (previous comment), regarding our advertising campaign, we can only work with the photos we have, which of course are mainly 60s Brats cuz that's OUR era. IF you wish to have some of your era photos included in our EXTENSIVE & ROBUST advertising campaign we've put together for REUNION 2022 ( please do check it out ... you might find yourself somewhere in there!!) feel free to send me (Edith) your 'memories' and I'll be more than happy to put them into our MOST ENTERTAINING AD CAMPAIGN! You'll want to be checking in over the next months as we've been very busy creating lots of FUN STUFF for you and it will be changed up frequently!! You can THANK us, we don't mind!! : :D ;)

Added: January 13, 2022
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You hear 60's brats, 70's brats, 80's brats, Hell No! We all lived in the same houses, went to the same schools, had the same teachers, went to the same coffee shop, theater and sports facilities. Many of us and our families straddled the decades 50's to 60's, 60's to 70's, 70's to 80's, and some families did the whole run. Forget the labels, we are all Shilobrats, whether we knew each other then or not, we all know each other.

The Crossover Kids Ad
Shilobrats Reunion 2022 The Way We Were: This is the one! This one's for FUN, this one's for you. Songs on the radio were a big influence in our lives then, and a big part of Reunion 2022. So lets start the fun part: Come up with a song title that best describes this photo. eg. “You Should Be Dancing” – Bee Gees. Give it your best shot! What do you remember about these guys?

Added: January 12, 2022
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Dan Wells. I hope you had a great holiday season and wishing you all the best for a hopefully greatly improved 2022!!!!! Thank you for letting me know David is in Brandon. I don’t get back much since mom passed but I be sure to look him up when I get to go back.

Added: January 6, 2022
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When I saw the message below from Don (byrd) Awalt, I knew he was posting his season greetings from his native heritage. Don is a Shilobrat from the sixties and his Life Was Calling story is featured in our Special Edition section. My second thought was a lot of viewers may not understand this, so I thanked Don for adding his colour to our Guestbook and asked him what should we understand from this message – Ken Jenkins

Me' tal-wlein Ken ... 

You are spot on ... it is a way of saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ... but you are correct about a literal translation for some words ... 

Me' tal-wlein [how are you] ... 

Etawey [have] ki'l [you] Wli [Merry] Nipi [leaf or needle on a tree] Alasutaman [you pray, literally a back-and-forth conversation between you and spiritual entities who pass prayers on to the Creator] ... how is that for a mouth full ... the same concept as praying through Christ to God ...  

aq [and] Pusu'l [Happy] Pana'ne [New Year] ... 

Nmu'ltes [see you] app [when or then] ... in traditional Mikmak / Mi'kmaq there is now word for goodbye ... atu' [goodby or adieu] is most certainly of French origins ... I was recently informed this is also true for Ojibway ... 

While I'm at it ... there is also Weli Newelewin ... Weli [Merry] Newelewin [Christmas] ... also borrowed from French ... 

My dry humour has it that I am saying Merry Christmas in Canadian [Kanata] ... not English or French ... contrary to a well-known infomercial ... Canada does not mean "that village over there" ... instead ... it means "where the quality flint comes from" ... and that happens to be between Quebec and the Saguenay River ... the place where Cartier marked "Canada" on his maps ... meaning it is physically impossible for Quebec to separate from Canada ... it was and is Canada ... and Quebec [kepek] is another Mi'kmaw word ... means "where the tide narrows" ... enough of this babble ... (:)

Just got in from a bomb fire down to West Bay ... a nasty wet, cold wind coming off the Fundy ... was biting to the bone ... good food and good company ... but you can bet we kept close to the fire ... if it is this cold up my end of the Fundy ... where it is a little sheltered ...  can't imagine how nippy it must be farther down the Fundy at Eddie and Dan's place on the Manan ... !!

Wela'lin [thank you] for noticing my Alasutaman greetings ... was very much appreciated ... you are welcome to share this with anyone interested ... 

e'e [yes] Ken ... aq [and] Ki'kmaq [your family] etawey ki'l Wli Alasutaman ... (:)) (:)


Added: December 27, 2021
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Hi Liz. I do remember your family across kingston. Hope the years have treated you well. My brother dave still lies in brandon. Have a great holiday

Added: December 22, 2021
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Me' tal-wlein ...

Etawey ki'l Wli Nipi Alasutaman

aq Pusu'l Pana'ne ... (:))

Wela'lin aq Nmultes ...


Added: December 20, 2021
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Our Christmas theme “When you were a kid at Christmas in Shilo”

Our parents said “They won't know till they're grown, but their best gifts are the memories they're making”, and now you become those memories this year on ShiloBrats Christmas Home page. Thank you for posting your early memories to become Christmas cards in our rotation. :!clap:

Added: December 19, 2021
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Dan Wells. I was in the same class as David. We(the Johnson’s) lived across the street from you on Kingston.

Added: December 9, 2021
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