ShiloBrats Guestbook

Time is ticking down and registrations are ticking up. The new format of combining Winnipeg and Shilo for a Shilobrats Reunion worked out in 2018, so we are doing it again for all those who missed a great reunion and those who want to come back. Winnipeg is more accessible from other provinces for travel and accommodation and more of you settled in this area after Shilo. Better still, the Reunion hotel amenities allow the reunion to carry on between events whether you are staying there or not. It's a double-barrelled reunion, reuniting friends and classmates from your Shilo days, and reuniting with Shilo, how has it changed? Come find out. This is the one!
Stay tuned for new information and entertaining additions on the Reunion 2022 website, just click on the Home page ad.

Stay tuned for new information and entertaining additions on the Reunion 2022 website, just click on the Home page ad.

Added: April 18, 2022
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I’ve been catching up with all the wonderful information our Reunion 2022 Executive has been extending to Shilobrats, in the hopes of them attending the 2022 Reunion to be held in Winnipeg in June. I attended the 2018 reunion, and had a wonderful time catching up with many of the students I went to school with from 1964-68. So many of my classmates were there, although others were unable to make it. We missed you!
A huge thank you to Edith for her skills on the computer. You never cease to amaze me.
Unfortunately, I will not be attending the weekend due to other commitments, but my hope is that Reunion 2022 is a huge success, and that all of the Executive’s endeavours pay off in a well received and well attended reunion. You won’t be disappointed! Have a wonderful time. I’ll be thinking of you.

Added: April 7, 2022
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1966-1971. Princess Elizabeth High.
Good years. Good memories. Often wonder what happened to a lot of my old acquaintances.

Added: April 6, 2022
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"Big Twig" Ad
What do you want to see when you return to Shilo. For Denise Pike it was a real surprise!
Is my house still there or what does it look like now, how has Shilo changed since I left?

There is an organized bus tour from the Reunion hotel in Winnipeg, or you can drive there for a lunch reunion at Junior Ranks Club with brats still in the local area with time to explore all you are curious about. Click on the Ad for all the Reunion information.

Come be part of Shilobrats Reunion 2022 in Winnipeg and Shilo, June 10 – 12. This is the one! :!clap:

Added: April 3, 2022
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Big Guns Ad
Remember when we used to play on the big guns and tanks on display around the Base, well there's even more of them now.

What is a Shilobrat Reunion without including Shilo. For some of us it's been over 50 years since we left. Many of the houses we lived in have grown old or have been removed, the high school is gone, still the memories live on, so what has become of this place of our youth, are you curious?

The Base is greener now, houses still there have been renovated, new houses are being built, General Strange Hall has expanded, the high school area is now a dog park, well two out of three ain't bad. Join us for this Sunday memory lane mini-reunion lunch and tour at Jr. Ranks to hook up with old friends and classmates from the local area not able to be with us in Winnipeg. Check the Reunion website every week for new additions and updates.

Added: March 28, 2022
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"Enter the Young" Ad
The Folk Group “Enter the Young” was formed during late October 1972 at Canadian Forces Base Shilo, Manitoba under the sponsorship of Our Lady of Shilo Chapel Parish Council. Within a few weeks the group had grown from 16 to approximately 50 members from the age of 13 to 19

Between December 1972 and the recording of this album in June 1973 “Enter the Young” has performed some 30 times at senior citizens residences, drop in centres, nursing homes and hospitals in Brandon, Souris and Winnipeg, Manitoba. They have been enthusiastically received by all these audiences and have been invited for repeat performances several times. They also sing weekly during Sunday liturgy at Our Lady of Shilo Chapel.

While their repertoire is constantly expanding to other types of music, the emphasis remains on songs of meditation and inspiration as these are the songs most appreciated by the audiences for whom they sing.

Foreground: Doris Dandurand, Suzie Chambers, Pam Clarke, Heather Pace, Elizabeth Bradley, Peggy Belaire, Linda Harper, Sandra Cox, Nancy Johnston, Rita Baltesson, Leona Delmage, Cathy Deurbrouck, Andree Lafleur, Anne Marie Carey, Helen Bradley.

Background: Wayne Emond, Rose Ann Hanlon, Ben Clow, Rose Ann MacKinnon, Bridget Shannon, Denise Middlemiss, Debbie Drylick, Bev J.G. Campbell, Janyce Mayer, Kim Francis, Barb Scott, Cheryl Hunt, Cathy Adam, Shelly Clarke, Debbie Schnurr.

Above: Bruce Dandurand, Jan Auger, Linda Freeland Barnes, Doug Bradley, Brian Grohs, Cindy Bekkema, Ida Oake, Tony Clarke, Mark Dandurand, Michael Grohs, Rick Faulkner, Sue Power, Barb Power, Tom Carey, Wayne Bradley, Wayne Robertson, Sheldon Connors.

Missing from photo: Margaret Woolley, Camilla Cameron, Hazel Cameron, Al Sullivan

What do you remember about “Enter the Young”

Added: March 14, 2022
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Siblings Ad
When was the last time you had a reunion with your sisters and brothers. “Be nice to your siblings, they're your best link to your past and the most likely to stay with you in the future”- Baz Lurhmann.
The best place for your next family reunion is at Shilobrats Reunion 2022 where you may also reunite with friends and classmates from your Shilo school days at the same time.
Take up the Shilobrats Re-Reunion 2022 Challenge and give them a call before it's too late. Let's get together again, “This is the one! :!party:
Check out the updated Reunion 2022 web site for more information.

Added: March 1, 2022
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I graduated in 1972. I've often wondered where everyone I knew then ended up.

Added: February 8, 2022
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The Cool Kids Ad
Back in the days of black & white, it was all about "cool". The hair, the clothes, the cars and that care free look. Some call them the Happy Days. Fast forward fifty years and Happy Days takes on a new meaning. Some of you still have it, the clothes, the cars, that care free look...did I leave out hair? For one hot night June 11, 2022 come back in time to the Way We Were and be "cool" again. :!emo:

Added: February 7, 2022
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Guys in Mexico Ad
Guys just want to have fun too! Following the Shilo Panthers lead, these 70's Shilobrat guys ditched the pandemic to have their own reunion down in Mexico last summer. They should be called the Shilo Lions. Now here is a thought, The Panthers and The Lions get together for a Re-Reunion at Shilobrats Reunion 2022. I bet they can teach us a few things about having FUN!
Keeping with our Way We Were music theme, check out the Fun Facts and Song Hits of 1974 in the newly updated Reunion 2022 web site. What song title best describes this group of pandemic busters. I have Jimmy Buffett's “Margaritaville” playing in my head, what do you hear?

Added: January 30, 2022
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