Comments: Remembering Shilo friends no longer with us, at the beginning of each year we update our Remembering section with the names we have learned have passed. Each Remembering stone will have the year of birth (if known), the year of passing, any known brothers and sisters and their yearbook photo if available (as you knew them) or their Obit photo. Please review the pages and report any inaccuracies or help fill in missing information through the Contact form in the side menu.
Shilo was a special place for many of us in our early years, and for some, Shilo is a special place because you were born there, or in Brandon to parents posted in Shilo.
ShiloBornBrats section has also been updated.
ShiloBornBrats has been created to give recognition to our home grown brat pack by assembling a page of trivia for each year we have a ShiloBornBrat name for.
If you or a brother or sister were born when your family lived in Shilo, and your name does not appear in that year, please contact ShiloBrats to be included, your name and year will be added.
I don't know how many times I have heard it said “I knew them, but I didn't know they were born in Shilo” or just go there to find out what was going on in the world when you were born.
Added: January 31, 2023
Submitted by Name: Roseanne (Rose) Thompson (nee Searle) From: Victoria, BC E-mail:
Comments: Lived in Shilo 1967-73. Lived on 1 Esquimalt, (on the corner of Kingston Avenue). Anyone who lived there during those years would remember the duplex all lit up at Christmas time with a lit star on the roof. I did grade 6 at Kelly School and then over to PEHS until I finished grade 10.
Comments: The Reunion 2022 Memorial Book is ready to go. The printed version of the Reunion 2022 Special Edition is the 4th book in our Reunion Yearbook series and is now ready to order. This 72 page 12” x12” coffee table album tells the story and captures the “essence” of those three days of The Way We Were. If you were there, this is more than a memory.
Right now we are just looking for what interest there is. Our books are produced by Costco photo services which is shutting down at the end of this month and transferring their services to Shutterfly. However, any projects that have been done with Costco will not be transferred, and there is a one last time to order before January 28. If you have seen the Reunion 2018 book, you know the quality.
We will be making and pre-paying a one time order by then to cover all the copies of interest. Half of those copies will go to Faye Helgason Linseman for East distribution, and half to Ken Jenkins for West distribution, arrangements can be made through them for your copy. Book price $65.00, includes taxes and shipping. Payment arrangements can be made through Faye & Ken for delivery in February. Comment here or email ShiloBrats by January 25, if you would be interested and we will add a book to our order.
Pusu'l Pana'ne [Happy New Year] . from the Fundy Shore !
Added: January 1, 2023
Submitted by Name: Lesley Ferguson(Turk) From: Winnipeg E-mail:
Comments: Wishing everyone A Very Happy New Year and a fantastic 2023!!!!!
Added: December 30, 2022
Submitted by Name: Bruce Howie
Comments: Ken contacted me a few days ago letting me know about the new posting on the Shilo Brats site regarding the 2022 Reunion. Absolutely wonderful job. Thank you to everyone who was involved in this project and the Reunion. Hope to be at the next one. - Bruce
Added: December 13, 2022
Submitted by Name: Bill Gillespie
Comments: In support of Judy and Sheila's comments, I also wish to extend BIG thanks to Edie, Ken, Lonnie, Doug, Boyd, Faye and all the great folks that keep the Shilobrats train on the rails! Although unable to attend this time-the wonderful Reunion pics and stories enable all of us to enjoy it again and again!
Added: December 6, 2022
Submitted by Name: Edith Walker
Comments: Thanks Judy for the accolades; we are so grateful when people appreciate all our hard work! And Sheila, we're so sorry you burned your dinner ! We are a team of THREE that work to get these stories out to you; Ken has the incredible gift of making the event a wonderful story from beginning to end (and he was there!). Together we collaborate ... I can make a pleasing arrangement of the components of the story and then a huge THANKS goes to our web master, Lonnie Frankow, faithfully working completely behind the scenes, who makes it possible for all of you to SEE/READ & hopefully ENJOY our efforts. Another BIG THANK YOU goes to our wonderful Mr. Brown who felt our stories worthy to be entered into Brandon University Archives and the Library and Archives Canada for posterity! Imagine that! Reunion Edition #4 should soon be on its way! And WE appreciate everyone of you who take the time to view our work!
Comments: WOW!! I just went through the Reunion 2022 special edition. I got so caught up in it, I burned my dinner What a wonderful memory for all who could attend. It was almost like actually being there. Hugh congratulations to the great team who put everything together. We all share our memories of growing up in the best place and with the best people possible. Stay safe and warm everyone. Till we meet again.
Added: December 6, 2022
Submitted by Name: Judy Rioux (nee Hummel) From: Victoria, BC E-mail:
Comments: I just went through Edith’s AWESOME recap of the 2022 Shilo Reunion, held in Winnipeg this past summer. Once again, you have outdone yourself, Edith. Great job, and although there were several people there I did not recognize, looks like a fun time was had by all! Congrats to the Committee who put this all together.
Name: ShiloBrats
Remembering Shilo friends no longer with us, at the beginning of each year we update our Remembering section with the names we have learned have passed. Each Remembering stone will have the year of birth (if known), the year of passing, any known brothers and sisters and their yearbook photo if available (as you knew them) or their Obit photo. Please review the pages and report any inaccuracies or help fill in missing information through the Contact form in the side menu.
Shilo was a special place for many of us in our early years, and for some, Shilo is a special place because you were born there, or in Brandon to parents posted in Shilo.
ShiloBornBrats section has also been updated.
ShiloBornBrats has been created to give recognition to our home grown brat pack by assembling a page of trivia for each year we have a ShiloBornBrat name for.
If you or a brother or sister were born when your family lived in Shilo, and your name does not appear in that year, please contact ShiloBrats to be included, your name and year will be added.
I don't know how many times I have heard it said “I knew them, but I didn't know they were born in Shilo” or just go there to find out what was going on in the world when you were born.