ShiloBrats Guestbook

Everyone have a SAFE long weekend!

Added: June 27, 2024
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Added: June 3, 2024
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So many great memories. Who remembers Geoff Gamblin.Barb and i drove him to the highway when he left.Hiutching to New York ! Heard he was in some notable band . rumor?cfb

Added: May 25, 2024
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The date for Larry Conners memorial service has now been changed to June 15 at 1 pm. in Calahoo Alberta.

Added: April 29, 2024
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Nice going through the site. We didn't live in Shilo long. We were there from about 1970 - 1973 when my father died and we moved away. I did grades 9,10,and 11 there but it seems like I grew up there. My two sisters Beverly, and Pamela might be known to some of you. We lived at 69 Alfriston.

Added: April 17, 2024
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I am a Shilo brat from 1948 and again in 1951 when my Dad left for Korea. My happiest time was in Shilo going to the Hostess house the Movie theater that Mr. May ran and trips to Waggle springs. I still communicate with friends are went to school with more than 70 years ago. .love reading from other Shilo Brats

Added: April 15, 2024
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There will be a memorial service for Larry “Redd” Conners June 1st in Calahoo, Alberta, near Edmonton. Details will be posted a month prior, but date and location will not change. Reply here if you are interested or have comments.

Added: March 14, 2024
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Howdy to you Jim West.
Interesting. …you musta had a known The Murphy clan.
Our family was there in H- huts as well. I could go on and on about them Huts. …C’mon. We lived on Number 7 Ubique. For years. Who do you think helped(as kids) to build the small garages between the duplexes. Chuckle. And and also we were the ones of course all us young kids whom did all the landscaping. It was all virgin at first. So the ground maintenance guys came around and deposited all the fill and the tools and the families all pitched in to square it all away. We even planted the grass. Good ole’ number 7.
The Findlay’s were long time friends. Across the street from us.
I must confess that I might need a name jog because the name West I must be forgetting. ….Across the street directly as I try to remember were Whiting Seems like one of the kids names was Margaret Whiting.
My dad And Mum were Bill and Audrey Murphy. Ernie was the oldest boy. Second was myself Bill but family called me Bump. Gale was oldest Girl under Ernie and myself. Other kids were Guy. Then Roseanne Then clay and Clay.There were some more kids once my dad retired and we moved to Nova Scotia in ‘61. ….I was born in Nova Scotia in Halifax in 1948 and in a short time after we moved to Camp Shilo. My Dad was in The RCASC (Service Corps).
Got lots of memories and a penchant for telling stories all about Shilo. Indeed I have a photo memory about every inch of Shilo in those days.
My Dad was bartender for years at the Sargeants Mess. He also delivers groceries from the Maple Leaf store. In an old ford station wagon. Among other things. Spent time in 2 schools there as we grew up before having moved to NS. Spent hours and hours at school yard playing marbles as the girls skipped double Dutch rope and did all the hop scotch. Chuckle.
Anyway our paths must have crossed many times on Ubique.
You must recall the Turners and The Martins as well.
Later for now. Forgive the editing of this post as I have clumsy fingers on a small mini iPad.

Added: February 29, 2024
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I was born in Shilo in 1948 in the military hospital where we originally lived in the H huts. We then moved to Patawawa Cr. before moving to Ontario. We returned to Camp Shilo in 1955 and lived on Ubique, )I think the Findlays were our next door neighbours) where we stayed until 1958 before moving to Petawawa, On. My late sister, Margaret Rose West graduated from high school in Shilo in 57/58. My sister Marianne and I went to elementary school during that time.

Added: January 25, 2024
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We lived at 22 Sapper Ave. from 1956 to 1961. Our names were Leslie(f), Mel and Rob. Mom and Dad were Kay and Fergie. The three of us attended both PEPS and O'Kelly. My favourite teachers were Bob Hilton for Gr. 7 and Ivan Traill for Phys Ed. I participated in track and field and we used to go up to Winnipeg for the Legion meets where we saw a lot of the greats like Bruce Kidd and Harry Jerome. Some of my best memories are from our time in Shilo. It's fun to have found this site. I've been back to Petawawa but never back to Shilo.

Added: January 16, 2024
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