Reunion  2002
Once again people fall into an easy grace that they once knew when the faces were familiar. Friday was the dress rehearsal .... but Saturday is full blown with many mugs, hugs and cheers. We fall into the familiar habits we had as teens and the night is glittering....
This brief and entirely too short Odyssy is nearly done. You too are scattered and you wonder when you will see each other again. Certainly there are tears at parting, but we have a way to talk together now ..... a way to plan ......  ~ Otterkins (2002)
  The  70s   crowd (posted previously by Otter)
Jim Gradwell, Carol LeBlanc 
& Kathy Grey
Steve Buck & Mike MacRae
Ray Jones & Pam Turk
PamTurk, Patty Woods, Val Hanson
Marion Butts
Laura Tiderman. B. LeBlanc  
& Laurie Snell
France Beare & Ida Oake
Ray Jones & Tim Parsons
Laurie Snell & Pam Turk
Tim Parsons & Mike MacRae
Unknown & Dave Hebner
Unknown, Brian Grey & Pam Turk
M.Turk, A. LeFleur, J. Sullivan
& Colleen Orr
Nancy Johnson
Pete LeBlanc
Carol Jones & Cindy Brown
Laurie Snell
Krista LeBlanc, Joe Buckman, Ron McCllough & Kim Buckman
Cathy Gray and Carol LeBlanc
Bob & Ida Oake