1968 Condita Yearbook

Student Staff

PEHS Newspaper Staff

The first school paper was produced with Pauline McMullen as Editor and Ron Binkley as Co-editor. A new staff was formed in the second term with Marylin Reed as Editor and Jane Francis as Co-editor. Joanne Chown was the secretary. Other members of the staff were Erol Bredin, Brad Stephens, Elanor Dawson, Pat McReynolds, Heather Schofield, Carole Levesque, Gwenn McCormick, Ann Rivard, Margie Ross Bonnie Ashley, Kathy Ingram, Donna Heppenstall, Laurena Robillard, Faye Helgason, Pauline McMullen and Dave Mulligan.

The new staff produced seven papers. It featured most of the school and social events, gossip, poems, teacher and student of the month, essays, and it even staged a mock election. The profits of the final real paper, which was published in June with the help of Captain McGibbon went to help pay for a stencil making macine in the school. This year was only the beginning for the Informer and we hope it will continue to improve in future years.

Condita 1968 Yearbook

BACK ROW: Gwenn McCormick, Brad Stephens, Dave Mulligan
SECOND ROW: Donna Heppenstall, Laurena Robillard, Ann Rivard
FRONT ROW: Catherine Coughlin, Jane Francis, Marylin Reed, Joanne Chown, Bonnie Ashlie, Paulene McMullen

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